Jane Seymour has made fans wonder if she took a dip into the fountain of youth.
The former Bond girl recently took to Instagram and uploaded a photo of herself walking along a sun-kissed sandy beach in Phuket, Thailand. The actress proudly flaunted her fit physique in a dark navy ruffled swimsuit as she smiled and looked up at the sky.
“When things get you down, always try to look up!” captioned the 70-year-old. “It’s our first #OpenHeartsSunday of the year, so let’s start it off right! What are some of your goals for 2022?”
“Over the years we’ve created such a wonderful community, let’s work together to hold each other accountable and support one another!” added the “Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman” icon.
Jane Seymour took some time from her getaway to share some inspiring words with her followers on Instagram. ( Photo by Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)
Many of the star’s nearly 300K followers commented on how fantastic she looked while soaking up the sun.
“To get back in shape like you!” one replied to Seymour’s question.
“You look so beautiful, fit and happy,” another chimed. “My goals this year are to get more healthy, eat right and exercise more.”
“Beautiful, my goal is to lose weight and to eat more healthier,” added one user.
Actress Jane Seymour poses for a portrait in 1985. (Photo by Harry Langdon/Getty Images)
Back in 2020, Seymour told Fox News she doesn’t believe in following “some crazy diet.” For her, it’s all about eating “sensibly.”
“I recently just dropped 14 pounds,” she said at the time. “I kind of got used to being bigger. Not that I was really huge or anything, but… in my family, there is type 2 diabetes. And my blood work was bordering on pre-diabetic. I told my doctor, ‘You must be kidding. I’m smaller than anyone I know!’ And he said, ‘Well, it’s not your fault, but if you lose at least six pounds, you will reverse it.’ So, that was the first moment. And then one of my best friends… he completely reversed his through a different way of eating.”
“I’m not doing anything terribly clever,” Seymour continued. “I’m just doing intermittent fasting, but nothing huge. And I happen to like healthy food. We grow all our own food organically in the back garden. A lot of it is in pots, which is, again, things that anyone can do. Even if you don’t have a garden, you can grow things in containers and… Eat everything in moderation. And because I’m not thinking about myself all the time — I’m thinking about other things and I’ve got the kids or the grandchildren and I’m working — that gives me the energy that I need.”
Seymour also described her workout routine as “very sporadic” due to her previous injuries as a dancer.
Actress and artist Jane Seymour stands on the deck of her home overlooking the Pacific Ocean with apples picked from her garden in Malibu, California. (Photo by Paul Harris/Getty Images )
“I try to get my heartbeat up with fast walking at least three times a week,” she shared. “I also work out with a trainer and I’ll do about 20 minutes on a stationary bicycle, the spin bicycle, but not spinning like crazy. I do my own form of it, usually with weights, as well. So I try to do the upper body at the same time as the lower body. And then I do Pilates and Gyrotonics, which I swear by.
“So, things that are really good for my particular body, like the bridge and plank, I can do anywhere in any hotel room or anywhere at any time. I don’t need to go to the gym to do the things that are actually really good for my body. And having been a dancer, you have an understanding of form. So when you work out, I think you are very careful about having good form. Whereas some people just throw themselves in the gym. If you don’t have proper form, you can injure yourself.”