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As Democrats look for the best person to harness the energy and anger many of their voters are feeling after last week’s Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, some are turning to an old friend: Hillary Clinton.
Clinton denies that she has any plan or desire to get back into politics, and Mark Penn, her 2008 presidential campaign chief strategist, tells Fox News it wouldn’t be a good idea. “I don’t think the country wants to go back to candidates who have run before, whether that is Hillary, Biden or Trump. Clinton’s national ratings are below Trump’s at this point,” Penn said.
Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
(Getty Images)
Whispers of a Clinton comeback are starting to circulate in liberal circles, with some saying that she’s the perfect match for this moment. As a longtime champion of women’s rights, and a pioneer for women in politics, her supporters say she’s the right person to fight for abortion rights and other freedoms that they allege are also in jeopardy.
In a CBS News interview Tuesday, Clinton sounded like she has an eye toward the future. “What I can imagine is staying as active and as outspoken as I can,” Clinton said when pressed about whether she could run again in 2024.
Warning that the Supreme Court is going to dismantle more of Americans’ freedoms, Clinton said, “This is not necessarily the only effort that we’re going to see this court undertake to turn back the clock of civil rights and gay rights and women’s rights beyond abortion…. We are only at the beginning of this terrible travesty that this court has inflicted on us.”
Hillary Clinton said President Trump’s Supreme Court nominees were selected for the purpose of overturning Roe v. Wade.
(David Becker/Getty Images)
Clinton claimed that the Supreme Court’s goal is to “erase the progress that women have made from the last 150 years,” and said to stop that from happening, “the filibuster should be eliminated at the very least for constitutional questions, like voting rights and a woman’s constitutional right to make decisions about her own body.”
As uncertainty about President Biden’s ability to serve another term grows, and Vice President Kamala Harris’ approval numbers continue to drop, Democrats may have to consider all options on the table as they go into 2024.