Evan Peters was not originally sold on playing serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer in the now four-time Golden Globe nominated show “Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story.”
“It was a real struggle. I was really thinking about it and trying to process it. I went back and forth a lot,” he told Variety of his decision to play the infamous killer.
In addition to the mental struggle of playing a monstrous individual, it was also a physical struggle for Peters, who had to lose and gain weight throughout the course of filming.
“I didn’t really have an appetite during the early stages of shooting,” he shared. “Then I was working out for episode 3 when Dahmer gets into working out and gained about 20 pounds for the end in prison to show how he looked then.”
Evan Peters bore a striking resemblance to serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer in the Netflix series focusing on the murderer.
(Netflix/Curt Borgwardt)
Additionally, Peters predominately stayed in character throughout the television shoot.
“Evan would go home, and it wasn’t like he would rock back and forth in his bedroom, which I think people presume. He had a life, however restricted and dedicated,” Ryan Murphy, creator of the show told Variety.
“It was like running a marathon. If you run a marathon, you eat a certain way. You sleep a certain way. It was a very athletic way of approaching the performance… There were moments I sort of felt like a father who has a child who is in the Olympics. You say, how can I help you?”
Peters said his commitment to his performance in staying in-character was “difficult but felt worth it”
The Netflix show “Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story” secured four Golden Globe Nominations for 2023.
(Netflix/Donaldson Collection)
The series, which received significant backlash for seemingly glamorizing a horrific spree of killings and cannibalism, has already been renewed for a second and third season by Netflix.
Although Peters’ return to the show is unconfirmed, he did express an interest in trying something else. “I’m going to take a little break from darker roles and explore the light.”
Evan Peters next project is “Snow Ponies,” a film that is in pre-production.
(Arturo Holmes/FilmMagic)
“It would be interesting to me to play something that is a little closer to home, a little more mundane and to explore the details of those kinds of experiences,” Evans said of branching out into a different character role.
His next project is currently a film in pre-production with Josh Gad, “Snow Ponies.”